Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Holiday Gifts
Have a great rest of your holidays and I will see you in the new year.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Toshiba Space chair
The future of advertising isn't creating advertising. It's about creative ideas that come together to form a reason for people to be involved.
This is a cool idea.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Don't let the rain get you down
Sometimes it seems like there may not be a light at the end of the tunnel but you have to believe in yourself, in your talents and in your vision. Anyone can get through the toughest of times, all you have to do is buckle down and push through it.
It is often said that the elements of success are 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. That's the truth. If you want it bad enough you will do what ever it takes to get it. If you're not willing to sacrifice what you have for what you want then you don't want it bad enough. Which could mean one of two things: either you don't really want it or you're lazy.
Being successful takes a lot of determination and follow through. Inspiration can be a powerful tool, you would be amazed at how far you can go on inspiration alone but at some point you need to switch gears and go from inspiration to implementation. That is where most people fail. They aren't willing to sweat and go with out to achieve success.
I use the metaphor of life is like a pendulum, if you want your life to swing into the successful side you first need it to swing on the sacrifice side. All through life it will continue to do this, it's called balance. The more effort you push it with determines how far it swings. If you put in a half assed effort you won't be too successful but if you push yourself hard enough and make enough sacrifices then you will be on swinging in success before you know it.
I read an article this morning from a fellow small agency owner, it was right on the money.
So no matter what you are doing, where you're working or what your goals are, go after it. If it was easy everyone would be doing it.
Have a great Monday.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Back again
I guess in an entrepreneurial world there is no such thing as normal.
I do love it though. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't have it any other way. It keeps me on my toes and the freedom is liberating.
I have to say that the economy is making so many people's lives a shit storm right now. No one is immune to the craziness. I know a lot of people who are wondering what the hell to do. My advice is take the time to focus on what you really want to do and then do it. Work in a field that you won't hate in five years, or find something that you always wondered about and get involved with it. You never know where it might take you.
I for one have always been of the mindset that when opportunity knocks you have to answer, regardless of your circumstances. Every little opportunity will eventually lead you to somewhere larger.
I for one thought I'd always be working for a large ad agency until I got old enough to retire and tell stories about the good old days. Funny how things turn out.
Now I run my own agency, albeit small and all, it still gives me a rush to do great creative work and what the faces of my clients light up as they see the impact that great creative work can have on their brands.
But in addition to advertising I also have a new found love for snowboarding. I got bitten pretty hard last year by the bug when I was "shredd'n" at Whistler. So what does that have to do with anything? Well I've decided to put my creativity in what I love to do and now I'm trying to start my own line of snowboard accessories. Who knows where it will go but I gotta try it. It's an opportunity to take advantage of. Sure there are other people out there doing it, but I think my line will have something fresh to add, funky and functional. It's going to be killer. Even if I don't make a ton of cash on it, it's still going to be something fun.
That's what life is all about. Getting through all the shit that weights you down with a smile on your face. Life is too short to be doing something you hate. You've heard that a million times right? But it's true. Nothing comes easy. Some of the most successful people I know have busted their ass for years before they reached any kind of success. But they will all say that it was worth it.
So to all that are finding themselves in hard times I say push on. Don't let it get you down. Focus on what you love and then go after it with all the sweat and tears you have. Because it will take that and then some.
Here is an article I came across about three older men doing what they love. I had the privilege of working with one of them and I have to say they are truly amazing men.
Buckle down and go after what you want. It's that easy.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Back in the saddle
Friday, September 11, 2009
Lutz is a Putz
Thursday, September 10, 2009
You're only as great as your resources
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Done right
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Somethings keep repeating
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A huge hand slap
Monday, August 31, 2009
Even if the budget is poor the idea should always be rich.
Friday, August 28, 2009
It's good to be Cream
Friday, August 21, 2009
Creativity makes everything better.
Actually, stupid is the enemy of great.
I was speaking with some friends the other day that also work in the ad industry and we were discussing the importance of award shows. It just so happens that I am working on the advertising for a local award show here in the city.
And so the age-old discussion around what matters most “the effectiveness” of the ad or “the recognition” was started. Now before I get into the meat and potatoes of it all know this, I think there is no right or wrong answer here. Much like advertising, it is subjective and depending on what your over all goal is, each side has its benefits. There is however one important matter to factor into the equation – What is advertising supposed to do? = Sell. That is the bottom line. How you get there is the grey area.
Being a creative working in the industry for a while I truly believe that advertising has to be…well…creative. You have to make the person want to buy whatever you are selling. You have to be funny, witty, shocking, heartfelt whatever you choose but just don’t be boring. Make it relevant to the target. Don’t just put up a price point or massive fucking logo in hopes that will sell.
So that being said I think you get my point that in order to be effective you have to be creative. Now this is where the other side comes in. Do creative ads sell more than your typical eye numbing crap you see everywhere? Check this out.
So what is the net take away? Award shows are important and so is the effectiveness of the advertising. After all that is what advertising is all about, selling. Great work should be recognized. It gives the client a sense of reassurance for trusting their agency. It gives the agency a sense of recognition for using their creative talent to the fullest. At the end of the day we all want the same thing, for our clients to be successful because that means we continue to get paid. But if at the end of the day all you want is to win awards for self-promotion, then heed this, an agency full of awards is worth nothing if the client has empty pockets.
Well it’s Friday, go have a drink! Or if you are living the Madmen life, have another one it’s still early.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Those who know do, those who understand teach.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Take it for what it's worth
Well it seems like the ad world keeps going for a shit every time I read about it. People I talk to and other blogs I read all say the same thing, it’s not getting any better any time soon. No wonder, the bloody government tries to put out this false beacon of hope announcing that the recession is turning a corner for the better and will soon be over. What drugs are you idiots on? This thing is going to last for a while so get used to it.
The state of the ad industry in Canada is gloomy to say the least, thousands are laid off, many of them never to return. Those that once held the higher level positions claiming the six digit incomes are on their ass in the streets or are having to take pay cuts to keep their jobs. I guess it was fun while it lasted but there isn’t any gravy to be sucked up anywhere. Freelance is hit and miss these days. Those that can get it are gripping to it tighter than a fat kid on a twinkie. Many of those who have been cast out and laid off have turned it into a positive life experience and have decided to veer in a different course all together. Check out this latest documentary on the biz http://lemonademovie.com/
For me, I choose to go all in. I joined forces with a long time industry guru of mine and we opened up our own shop called Cream. www.creamontop.ca
Unlike our hefty dinosaur agencies we used to work for, our agency is nimble, cost-effective and it’s fun! We work with the clients we want to work with, go after the business we love to work on, it’s a great change. It’s also the toughest thing I’ve ever done. You don’t have the security of a steady pay check or the assurance of knowing if you will get through it ok but that is the thrill of it, the challenge that makes it so rewarding.
For those out there that are looking for work and are finding it hard to make ends meet I suggest you go client side. Maybe some of them can rely on your expertise to educate them on the benefits of being strategic and creative.
It’s funny how an economic downturn can force you to get your priorities in order, to reinvent yourself if need be, or to give you that kick in the ass you need to get your shit together and really go after what you want.
If anyone wants to send me their portfolio I can see if I can help out with some freelance from Cream.
Till next time.